Welcome to Prairie Rose EMC. We are a Bible-based Christian Church which has served God in the community of Landmark for over a century. We seek to understand and live by the Bible, to give everyone the opportunity to become mature and devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
If you’re looking for a church home or a place to visit, we welcome you to Prairie Rose EMC. A place where we are learning to know and love Jesus better.
Sunday Worship
- 9:30am Sunday School
- 10:45am Worship Service
- Contact the office for the link to the live stream and sermon notes
- This week’s bulletin
- Last week’s bulletin
What We Believe
There is one eternal, unchangeable God who has revealed Himself in three persons.
The Bible is the Inspired Infallible Word of God.
Man was created in the image of God but through disobedience has fallen into sin and is in need of salvation.
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died for the sins of mankind, was raised from the dead, ascended to the Father in glory, and will one day return and establish an eternal kingdom of peace and righteousness, and that all those who have a faith relationship with Christ will enter that kingdom, and those who have resisted the Holy Spirit’s working in their lives until then will experience a Christless eternity.
The church is the body of Christ, composed of all believers, commissioned to preach the Gospel throughout the world and to baptize and to train Christians in the life of discipleship.
The Christian is committed to a lifestyle of selfless love as demonstrated and taught by Jesus Christ.
From Your Pastors
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15b
About Us
If you’re looking for a church home or a place to visit, we welcome you to Prairie Rose EMC. A place where we are learning to know and love Jesus better.